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Anyone currently planning to refurbish their residential properties to render them handicapped accessible,
not forego possible subsidies.
The following article provides important information and recommendations:

Improvements to residential environments – measures

Long-term care insurance may grant a maximum of €2,557 per measure for improvements to the living
environment. Examples include, installation of hand rails and handles, elimination of thresholds and steps
by installing ramps, installation of wheelchair-accessible kitchen cabinets, installation of a handicapped
accessible bath, and stair lift. The person in need of care must contribute 10% of the cost of the reconstruction
work. The contribution should not exceed 50% of his/her gross monthly income. If he/she has no independent
income, the contribution is waived.

The earnings of other persons living in the household (such as spouses and other relatives) are disregarded.

If various reconstruction measures or installations are required simultaneously (for example, door-widening and
wheelchair ramp and stair lift), these are considered a one-conversion measure. A new subsidy for measures to
improve the living environment is only possible if a change in the care situation requires it. A move into an
apartment appropriate to the requirements of the person needing care can be subsidized as an alternative to
necessary conversion measures.

Provided that further expenditures are necessary to improve the new living environment, these will also be eligible
for subsidies. The total in this combination may not exceed the maximum subsidy of €2,557.

(Source: Pflegegesetz, English: Care Act,

Additional information is available in theArbeitshilfe.pdf

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 Our advice:

You may be elibible for further assistance in order to improve your living environment based on additional
statutory regulations. Please contact your social welfare authority to verify whether further assistance will
be approved.

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